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Licentiate Programme in Systematic Theology (LPST)

SPECIALIZED THEOLOGICAL STUDIES last four years and are composed of two stages of studies:


Schedule of the recruitment procedure for the Licentiate Programme in Systematic Theology for 2024/2025

26/02 – 30/06/2024 – electronic registration of application in the e-Rekrut university online system for admission (https://rekrut.kul.lublin.pl): creation of candidate’s account, providing required data, submitting scans of documents, selection of programme, confirmation of choice (in Selected-Details)


  1. online announcement of admission results (on candidate’s individual account in the e-Rekrut system: in Selected-Details and Messages sections),
  2. making online confirmation to undertake the studies,
  3. tuition fee payment (payment to be made only after the announcement of admission results – so by a qualified candidate, who received a conditional offer letter from Admissions Office on candidate’s individual account at e-Rekrut system (in Messages section).

Once your payment is registered on the university’s account, a confirmation for visa purposes will be issued and delivered via e-Rekrut!

no later than 30/09/2024: submitting original documents in person at Dean’s Office.


Licentiate Programme in Systematic Theology

The Licentiate Programme in Systematic Theology is a first stage of the four years of Specialized Theological Studies and is aimed to gain the academic title of Licentiate of Sacred Theology, as required by the Pope Francis Apostolic Constitution „Veritatis gaudium”. The programme lasts two years and fulfils the requirements of the second cycle of studies according to the above mentioned constitution. By the means of complex programme of lectures, conversations and seminars prepares to the final licentiate examination in the field of systematic theology. The title of canonical Licentiate of Sacred Theology acquired therein opens the doors to the next stage of the Specialized Theological Studies, which is the Specialized Theological Scholar Course (equivalent to the third cycle of studies according to the constitution “Veritatis gaudium”), aimed to the preparation of doctoral thesis in every discipline in the field of systematic theology (biblical theology, dogmatic theology, moral theology, fundamental theology, ecumenical theology, theology of spirituality and Church history).

Church licentiate (canonical) – is an academic degree awarded at theological faculties of Catholic universities operating under papal law, being part of the so-called the Roman system of academic degrees. An ecclesiastical licentiate degree is one step higher than a master’s degree in theology and having it is a condition for starting a doctoral dissertation. Moreover, it entitles to teach subjects included in the scope of studies at a Catholic university or a priestly seminary. The basis for receiving a licentiate degree are specialized licentiate studies, which end with the defence of the licentiate thesis and an exam before the board.

The amount of the semester fee for students starting their education from A. 2024/2025 is  8,400 PLN.


Recruitment rules

1. The following may apply for admission:

– a person who graduated from a faculty of theology and obtained the professional title of Master’s degree or Baccalaureate (or equivalent, corresponding to the completion of the first cycle of studies according to Apostolic Constitution “Veritatis gaudium”), with a diploma score of at least 4.0 (or an equivalent of “good” score in the case of a diploma obtained abroad).

Qualification on the basis of an examination of dossier.

2. Ordained clergy present the consent of their superior to participate in the programme.


For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Admissions Office at study@kul.pl