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KUL Doctoral School

Postal address: KUL Doctoral School Secretariat, Room CN-012, Al. Racławickie 14, 20-950 Lublin, Poland,
e-mail. phd@kul.pl, tel. 81 445 41 89, 81 445 41 29
Registration of candidates for the Doctoral School for the academic year 2024/2025 – from August 01, 2024 to August 30, 2024.

Dear Candidates,
We would like to inform you that the interviews for candidates to the KUL PhD School will be held online, using the Teams platform.
People admitted to the interview will be informed electronically about the date and time of the interview.
More information soon.
Good luck!



KUL doctoral school offers PhD programmes in the following disciplines:

  1. art studies – taught in Polish
  2. biblical studies – taught in Polish
  3. biological studies – taught in Polish and English
  4. canon law – taught in Polish
  5. economics and finance – taught in Polish
  6. history – taught in Polish
  7. law – taught in Polish
  8. linguistics – taught in Polish and English
  9. literary studies – taught in Polish and English
  10. medical biology – taught in Polish and English
  11. pedagogy – taught in Polish
  12. philosophy – taught in Polish and English
  13. psychology – taught in Polish
  14. political science and public administration – taught in Polish
  15. theological studies – taught in Polish
  16. social sciences – taught in Polish and English

Programme of the KUL Doctoral School

Conditions and Procedure for Recruitment to Dictiral School

Admissions rules and schedule

01 – 30.08.2024 – electronic registration of candidates / submission of required documents through your online account

02 – 13.09.2024 – assessment of applications by Evaluation Commissions

16 – 19.09.2024 – interviews (We would like to inform you that the interviews for candidates to the KUL PhD School will be held online, using the Teams platform.
People admitted to the interview will be informed electronically about the date and time of the interview.

23.09.2024 – publication of ranking list (results). Your result will be released to your online account

24 – 25.09.2024 – confirmation of admission in the online account and submission of the required documents in accordance with paragraph 12.1 1 of the Conditions and Procedure for Recruitment to the Doctoral School at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin for the academic year 2024/2025

26 – 27.09.2024 – additional Committee proceedings – admission of candidates from the reserve list, if applicable.

27.09.2024 – confirmation of admission (candidates from the reserve list) in the online account and submission of the required documents in accordance with paragraph 12.1

The rules of the admissions procedure are set out in the attachment to the Resolution of the Senate of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin of January 26, 2023, regarding the conditions and procedure for admission to the KUL Doctoral School for the academic year 2023/2024.

KUL Doctoral School – Detailed Assessment Criteria for 2024

Guidelines for Candidates – 2024 – detailed guidelines for a research project and an interview can be found here

A candidate for the doctoral school submits the following document portfolio in an electronic version (scans) by the date (Term of Submission) specified in the Annex to the Resolution via an individual online admissions account:

  1. a diploma of graduation from a long cycle programme, an MA degree or equivalent. If the diploma was obtained outside Poland, it should be legalised or bear an apostille;
  2. for the discipline of canon law – a diploma a Church licentiate degree
    obtained in accordance with the provisions of the Apostolic Constitution “Veritatis Gaudium” on Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties of 8 December 2017 in Polish or Latin;
  3. a confirmation in an unambiguous manner of the fulfilment of at least one of the conditions specified in Appendix 2;
  4. an academic curriculum vitae, including information about:
    1. academic publications – documented by attaching electronic versions of at most three publications;
    2. other significant activities indicating the candidate’s level of preparedness for undertaking study, such as participation in research or teaching projects, active participation in scientific conferences, documented activity in scientific organisations, including student organisations, and activities for the promotion of science – documented in a transparent manner; the chairperson of the selection committee shall decide whether this requirement is fulfilled;
  5. a description of the proposed research project (initial concept for the doctoral dissertation), not exceeding 40,000 characters with spaces, which must include: a) the title of the project;
    b) the research objective of the project (description of the problem to be solved, research questions or hypotheses formulated);
    c) the relevance of the project (the current state of knowledge, justification for undertaking a research problem, justification for the innovative character of the research, significance of the project results for the development of a given scientific field and discipline)
    d) approach and research plan (general research plan, specific research objectives, results of initial research, risk analysis);
    e) research methodology (methodology of research implementation, methods, research techniques and tools, methods of analysis and compilation of results, equipment and apparatus used in research);
    f) the list of references on the project issues (the list of references presenting the publications covered by the project description, including full bibliographic data);
  6. the agreement of the intended supervisor to provide supervision in the case of admission to the doctoral school according to the model specified in Appendix 4;
  7. in the case of choosing English as the language of study – a document confirming the command of English at a level of at least B2 issued by an authorised certifying institution from among those listed in Appendix 5 or the Department of Foreign Languages at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, or a diploma of graduation from a master’s or bachelor’s degree programme in English, or a diploma of graduation certifying the command of English at a level of at least B2, or a document confirming graduation from a secondary school in which education was provided exclusively in English;
  8. a declaration to respect the Catholic character of the John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin (download the declaration);
  9.  a declaration of not being punished with disciplinary penalties specified in Art. 2 of the Act – Law on Higher Education and Science;
  10.  a photograph measuring 35×45 mm, conforming to the requirements for identity card photographs;
  11.  in the case of diocesan clergy and members of religious orders, permission from their own Ordinary or Higher Superior to undertake studies;
  12. permission from the institute’s council to proceed with the recruitment procedure in the cases specified in § 1 paragraphs 4 and 9;
  13.  in the case of planning studies that will require access to specialised research infrastructure, the consent of the head of the unit responsible for the use and provision of this infrastructure;
  14. nostrification document of the diploma, if required; (nostrification of diplomas – NAWA);
  15. certified translation into Polish of documents drawn up in a foreign language;
  16. Foreign candidates shall also submit:
    1. copy of a passport – data page;
    2. copy of the health insurance policy or a declaration of joining the NFZ health insurance system upon commencing the programme (NFZ declaration)
    3. in the case of choosing Polish as the language of study, a document confirming knowledge of the Polish language:
      a) a certificate of completion of a preparatory course for undertaking studies in Polish in units designated by the minister responsible for education at least at the B2 language proficiency level, or
      b) a certificate of proficiency in the Polish language at least at B2 level, issued by the State Commission for the Certification of Proficiency in Polish as a Foreign Language, or
      c) a secondary school leaving certificate or higher education diploma issued within the Polish education system, or
      d) a document confirming the graduation from a secondary school abroad where classes were conducted in Polish.

Candidates qualified for enrollment as doctoral students must submit, by September 25, 2024, a set of documents including:
1. originals of all documents submitted in the electronic version through the recruitment system (e-Rekrut);
2. a form confirming commencement of education at the Doctoral School at KUL, printed from one’s account in the e-Recruitment system;
3. a statement that, when accepted, the candidate will be a doctoral student only at KUL Doctoral School.

Foreign candidates may apply to the Director of the Doctoral School for an extension of the deadline for delivery of the original documents indicated in item 1, point a); document Terms and Procedures for the qualification/recruitment procedure for the KUL Doctoral School for the academic year 2024/2025.